mental health, Young Living

5 reasons you should be including frankincense into your daily routine

Everyday essential oil uses.

health, Homesteading

Pea Milk – The new glass of milk

There are so many different variations of milk substitutes. Almond, soy, flaxseed, and my newest discovery compliments of my little brother. Pea milk. You read it correctly. There is in fact such thing as pea milk and it tastes pretty delicious. A creamy texture, the perfect consistency. Pea milk benefits An excellent source of plant… Continue reading Pea Milk – The new glass of milk

Homesteading, mental health

Starting your spring garden indoors this winter for less than $20

I love to plant anything and everything.  I would say it is absolutely therapeutic for me. I've been raised around some pretty great gardeners in my life, supplying me each with their own particular tip and trick for properly gardening. My great grandparents had a beautiful bountiful garden, we were raised eating homegrown goods at… Continue reading Starting your spring garden indoors this winter for less than $20

Homesteading, Uncategorized

Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading

Sometimes all we need is just a new perspective. So you've decided it's time to move from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Maybe you are sick of the rat race and are ready to make the leap to ditch urban life and embrace a more simple and sustainable way to living. Previously in… Continue reading Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading


Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY

If you were around in the 90's you can get the Oregon trail reference. If not...then I've aged myself. We finally completed our repurposed greenhouse and it's absolutely perfect. Built with love and little touches to make it our own. Total cost $72 and 5 days of labor. We were able to reuse wood we… Continue reading Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY

Homesteading, Recipes

Homegrown french fries for picky eaters

Both my kids would be considered picky eaters.  And anytime you think you have it figured out that they like something they change it up on you. But something they will both eat consistently is french fries.  With all the horrible stuff in the news about what is actually in some of our store bought… Continue reading Homegrown french fries for picky eaters


Let’s Bake

Easy Banana Bread In our house there is usually always something freshly baked. I'm frugal. I love to bake and so do the kids so it's something we do regularly.  But I love easy recipes even more. Baking not only teaches them self sufficiency, but there is math involved. Reading. Not to mention the fine… Continue reading Let’s Bake