
Breeding & Raising Dairy Goats on your Homestead

Family dairy goat

Homesteading, Uncategorized

Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading

Sometimes all we need is just a new perspective. So you've decided it's time to move from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Maybe you are sick of the rat race and are ready to make the leap to ditch urban life and embrace a more simple and sustainable way to living. Previously in… Continue reading Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading


Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY

If you were around in the 90's you can get the Oregon trail reference. If not...then I've aged myself. We finally completed our repurposed greenhouse and it's absolutely perfect. Built with love and little touches to make it our own. Total cost $72 and 5 days of labor. We were able to reuse wood we… Continue reading Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY

Recipes, Young Living

Reese’s Protein Muffins

I have a serious sugar addiction.  And I'm in recovery. Sugar is a hard thing to purge from your diet considering it is in everything.  Even with making most things homemade I find that I still add sugar to most recipes. If you are looking for a new quick healthy snack I'd encourage you to… Continue reading Reese’s Protein Muffins