Homesteading, Uncategorized

A Day on the Homestead in Photos

Captivated by the beauty of a day on the homestead. ❤️ Just taking a few moments from working to admire the beauty found on our homestead. Am I the only one that can get lost for hours photographing Gods artwork? Happy Homesteading! Danielle


Fall Planting Seeds for the Biggest Sunflower Garden

Fall Planting Seeds for the Biggest Sunflower Garden

Homesteading, Recipes, Uncategorized

Vanilla Rose Petal Jelly for an Enchanting Treat

Vanilla Rose Jelly, a simple, enchanting addition to your homestead pantry.

Young Living

DIY Pain Relief Cream

It seems necessary to share my favorite DIY Pain Relief Cream, considering I just whipped some up for my sweet hubby who drove an hour to go fill up our farm truck with as much wood as possible. Someone locally offered for $20 to take as much firewood that they could fit in a truck… Continue reading DIY Pain Relief Cream

Young Living

All Natural Eczema Relief with Young Living Rose Ointment

It is estimated that over 35 million Americans suffer from eczema. I happen to be one of those 35 million people.  Suffering from eczema off and on since I was an infant I've tried just about every remedy, and store bought product I could find. When I started using essential oils more often a friend… Continue reading All Natural Eczema Relief with Young Living Rose Ointment


Toad and the crossroad – finding meaning in nature

Do you ever feel like an animal or symbol pops into your life for a reason? The toad happens to surprise me at any given moment in my life on our farm. Is she my spirit animal because she has an RBF like no other? It can't just be that, right? But seriously, whenever a… Continue reading Toad and the crossroad – finding meaning in nature