
Toad and the crossroad – finding meaning in nature

Do you ever feel like an animal or symbol pops into your life for a reason? The toad happens to surprise me at any given moment in my life on our farm. Is she my spirit animal because she has an RBF like no other? It can't just be that, right? But seriously, whenever a… Continue reading Toad and the crossroad – finding meaning in nature

Homesteading, Uncategorized

Today on the farm

Each day on my farm there's new surprises for my enjoyment and often times to my displeasure. With the good comes the bad.  Aside from having to rip out an entire row of snap peas due to powdered mold.  I'd say it was a successful morning.  Full of beauty and simplicity. Recently I've taken a… Continue reading Today on the farm

mental health, Young Living

5 reasons you should be including frankincense into your daily routine

Everyday essential oil uses.

Homesteading, Uncategorized

Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading

Sometimes all we need is just a new perspective. So you've decided it's time to move from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Maybe you are sick of the rat race and are ready to make the leap to ditch urban life and embrace a more simple and sustainable way to living. Previously in… Continue reading Ditching suburbia – one girls guide to homesteading


Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY

If you were around in the 90's you can get the Oregon trail reference. If not...then I've aged myself. We finally completed our repurposed greenhouse and it's absolutely perfect. Built with love and little touches to make it our own. Total cost $72 and 5 days of labor. We were able to reuse wood we… Continue reading Take a ride on the Oregon Trail – repurposed barnwood greenhouse DIY


Repurposed greenhouse diy

Something I love is repurposed wood. It has so many useful spaces around our homestead. It seems we're always taking on a new project or wooden orders around here. Our latest project has been a greenhouse. Nevada weather makes it quite difficult to have fresh flowers and vegetables year round. So we decided let's see… Continue reading Repurposed greenhouse diy

mental health


I've been feeling defeated today. I could feel my depression seeping in like an ugly black hole. I won't share every hardship of my day. But just when I felt like I couldn't take anymore that life had to throw at me today I started to see the 7 beautifully clear messages from God. I… Continue reading Faith